Friday, May 6, 2011

South Beach Clubs

Party like a Star in South Beach Clubs

We all know that Miami South Beach is known to have the best South Beach Clubs in the country.

But, there are a few things you must know before trying to get into clubs in Miami South Beach.

Precautions before going to Miami South Beach Clubs:

You MUST dress well. There are no exceptions. Appearance is very important in South Beach and you should dress accordingly. No striped shirts, no hats, no baggys, no sneakers. You must be dressed properly, I cannot stress that enough!

If you want to buy a bottle, you will probably pay around $300-$400 per bottle depending on the time of the year. During big events, the bottle prices can go up to $2500 (for table reservation and according amount of bottles).

Now, what South Beach Clubs would I recommend?

#1 - Mansion Miami - This club will rock your world. It is probably the most famous one in Miami Beach as well!

#2 - Space Miami - This club is HUGE. IT has 3 stories each with different types of music. Although it is not located in Miami Beach, it is right accross the beach in downtown. Due to its popularity, I decided to include it.

There's no doubt you will have a great time in South Beach Clubs! Good Luck.